Sony announced today that the PlayStation VR headset will be released in October this year for $399 USD (399 Euros). With the Oculus Rift priced at $599 and the HTC Vive at $799, the PlayStation VR offers a much more affordable solution for those interested in VR but may not have the PC (or brand of phone) to run other VR solutions.
The PS VR package comes with the headset as well all the necessary connectors to run it. It additionally comes with a co-processor which hooks up to your PS4 to provide it with the necessary processing power to meet the high demand that often comes with VR enabled games.
It is important to note that the PlayStation VR requires the newer PlayStation Camera in order to track the movement of the headset. Sony confirmed this is primarily due to the fact that many people already own the camera. The camera is priced at $60 retail but can often be found on sale (Currently $44 on Amazon.com at the time of writing this article.) Note that while the PlayStation Move controllers are often shown with the PS VR, they are not included in the package and are not required to use PS VR.
Finally, CCP has already commented that the VR dogfighter game ‘EVE: Valkyrie’ will be a release title for PlayStation VR and will likely have a similar Pre-Order deal that was included with the Oculus Rift.