Episode 201: “April Fooled”

The day after Easter, the Biomassed crew talks about New Mutants, Ready Player One, PUBG and Fortnite, Warframe, SUPERHOT, Diablo III, and Marvel Strike Force. We also talk a bit about our favorite April Fool’s jokes this year.

BATTLETECH has a new story trailer you should check out.

Jaysyn fell for this. But he’d like to refer you to some YouTubers who generate mobile content.

Note that Seth Rogen has been acquired by Netflix, Final Fantasy XIV Online Go was announced, and World of Warcraft has announced new events and a preview of the new patch notes.

It’s available now on iTunes or you can find it at http://biomassed.net/podcast

About Soraya Xel 280 Articles
Soraya Xel is a founding co-host of the Biomassed podcast and an editor on the blog. Served for a year on CPM1. Twitter: @ocdtrekkie