CCP Addresses Concerns About Trading Restrictions

CCP Frame answered concerns about the surprise limitation on ISK trading, and the loyalty rank requirement for player trading in general in a forum post yesterday. Frame specified that the term “trade assets” was meant to include both items and ISK when discussing the loyalty rank limitation. Frame was also clear the move was made solely to counter exploits done with alt characters. CCP feels that players using alts for legitimate purposes should use the additional character slots on their main PSN account, which share loyalty rank points. Alts should have to be played “seriously” in order for them to qualify to participate in trading, and Frame mentioned a desire to take botting more seriously in DUST, as CCP does in EVE.

At the present time, CCP is going to reduce the loyalty rank requirement for trading ISK and assets down to 2, from 4, to reduce the pain of grinding up to the specified level. They also intend to look at changing the code in a future patch to set different loyalty rank requirements for ISK than for assets. Additionally, they intend to look at passive gain features, and find ways to tie all rewards to activities in the future to provide a better handle on exploit prevention and passive gain.

About Soraya Xel 280 Articles
Soraya Xel is a founding co-host of the Biomassed podcast and an editor on the blog. Served for a year on CPM1. Twitter: @ocdtrekkie