Currency Limitations Catch Players by Surprise

An unexpected feature creeped into Warlords 1.1, blocking the ability directly transfer ISK by player accounts under Loyalty Rank 4. The change was not mentioned in the patch notes, and CPM1 was reportedly uninformed of it.

CPM1 Cross Atu made a comment about this change:

“While elimination of exploits is fundamental to a healthy game play experience, the potential complexity of emergent sandbox play is a key element of what drew me to Dust 514.  I hope there is another solution found to eliminate these exploits as mechanically barring such a fundamental economic feature imposes an onerous barrier to the emergent behavior and player created content that are fundamental staples of sandbox play.”

A few players questioned this decision on the forums and Twitter, to which CCP Rattati replied as following:

“(The feature is) intended, to counteract a few exploits.” – CCP Rattati on Twitter

This limitation has already caused issues to various legitimate players, who use alt characters for multiple purposes. Bank accounts, escrow services, and lotteries are examples of  legitimate alt usage that was hit by this change. The feature has only served to inconvenience players, since for now they are using a workaround involving corp wallets to transfer ISK from alts.

The CPM are actively pursuing a meeting to discuss this topic.

About Cat Merc 3 Articles
I am a veteran DUST 514 player and a (very) casual EVE player. Through my years of experience since the early beta, I know DUST 514 inside out and am very involved in the community. Meow